unsung TEMPLE is a mind-body-spirit initiative born of my belief that treating our body as sacred heals our connection to self, each other, and the Earth. Everything I craft and share, I’ve designed to nourish my own body, mind, and spirit. 

Exploring nature’s elements and intelligent design has brought me a sense of wonder, peace, and connection to the universe since childhood. Through intuitively-designed artisan jewelry, plant-based body wellness, photography, and science-based yoga practices, I strive to deepen a loving connection to my body and environment amidst the challenges brought to life by the human mind. I hope you find something here that supports you on your own journey to live well in your body and be a beautiful human.

With Love and Gratitude,

an unsung temple

Lauren Kennedy, founder of unsungTEMPLE, explores textures in the Sonoran desert.

unsung TEMPLE founder, Lauren Kennedy, explores cactus textures in the Sonoran Desert.

“The capacity for delight is the gift of paying attention.” ~Julia Cameron

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